Our Process

Our primary responsibility is to understand the things that are important to you and how you prioritize them. At our first meeting we will begin to gain a clear understanding of your values, concerns and objectives. Generally, we will also review your current situation and planning, and provide a written analysis and financial projections. If we discover conflicts and problems we collaborate with your circle of advisors, and can then help you implement and follow up on your course of action.

At Silver Transitions, we put not only our own considerable experience to work on your behalf, but also the knowledge of the elite team of Nautilus Group professionals experienced in taxes, law, life insurance, accounting, and philanthropic planning. This coordinated approach helps ensure that all areas are considered in order to formulate the right course of action for you.

Crystallize Objectives
For your family, business, community, & self so that you can create a legacy to be proud of.

Review Current Position & Plans
Including your Estate plan, Statement of Investment Policy, Life Insurance plan, & Business buyout agreements.

Identify Risks and Opportunities
Risks such as living too long, dying too soon, & getting sick, and opportunities such as starting or expanding your business, creating a secure retirement, providing your kids and grandchildren with great educations, and helping the world.

Review Alternate Ideas
We discuss strategies for trusts, wealth protection, partnership buyout agreements, life insurance, and asset allocation.

Create a Written Plan of Action

Implement and Monitor
As you and your world evolve we are here to help you to keep your plans relevant.

The Nautilus Group® as well as its member agents and employees do not provide tax, legal, or accounting advice.